LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR ANIMAL & HUMAN CELL LINES REFERENCE NO: AHC/1998/4/2.2 TITLE: DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR CELL DESPATCH - ECACC - INTRODUCTION Orders that are ready for despatch are given to the Despatch Unit. See AHC/1998/4/1for preparation, AHC/1998/4/2.1for shipment and AHC/1998/4/3 for invoicing. PROCEDURE
2.1 Fill out start up sheets (AHC/1998/4/2.2 Appendix 1) for growing orders to include cell line name, order number, number required, start up volume, location, CB number and culture medium. 2.2 Type address label. 2.3 Prepare Issue and Receipt Voucher form (AHC/1988/4/2.2 Appendix 2)
2.4 Clip order to label to despatch notes and enclose Cell Line Safety Datasheet (an example is shown in AHC/1998/4/2.2 Appendix 3) on each individual cell line with CB number, passage number if known, start up volume. Also enclose an information pack which contains the following items (see attached forms): - Customer Complaint Form (write on order number & despatch date) (AHC/1998/4/4.1 Appendix 1, , AHC/1998/4/4.1 Appendix 4) 2.5 Keep all growing orders in buffer file for collection on day of despatch.
3.1 Fill out frozen despatch sheet (AHC/1998/4/2.2 Appendix 1) with cell line name, order number, number of vials, location. 3.2 Prepare an address label and stick on envelope. Write cell line name and collection order number on one end and customer order number on the other end. Fold up sheets of despatch note after completion (see 2.3), and put in envelope, Put envelope in" documents enclosed pouch" and attach to order and white copy of Issue/Receipt Voucher and information pack with completed datasheet (see 2.4). 3.3 Fax to the courier specialised in exports, a copy of all addresses for shipment on the Monday - they will arrange all flights and AWB's. 3.4 A maximum of 50 ampoules per package. 3.5 PERMITS : see protocol AHC/1998/4/1 Appendix 2 ENCLOSE : Also required is a certificate of origin (AHC/1998/4/2.2 Appendix 6) for foetal bovine serum used for cell growth. 3.6 Complete a cell line despatch form (AHC/1998/4/2.2 Appendix 7) for each day shipments. One for frozen and one for growing orders for the Despatch Unit. Any customer complaints (AHC/1998/4/4.1) for replacement are processed in the same way but with "Replacement" written under order number 5.1 Occasionally only part of the order may be despatched. Indicate this by writing "PART ORDER" under the order number on the Issue/Receipt Voucher. 5.2 If an order consists of both frozen and growing; photocopy the order and treat each order separately. 5.3 Receipt Voucher is returned to the Account Unit when shipment has been made. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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