LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR ANIMAL & HUMAN CELL LINES REFERENCE NO: AHC/1998/1/3 TITLE: RESTRICTIONS OF USE TRANSFER RESTRICTIONS Some resources can only be distributed after written consent of the requester not to use the material for commercial purposes and not to distribute it to third parties without prior agreement from the depositor, see Restrictions on the use of certain cell lines within Germany: The distribution of cell lines assigned to biological risk group 2 are subject to restrictions according to the "Bundesseuchengesetz" or "Gentechnikgesetz". The requesting scientist or institute must be in possession of the specific permit issued by "Gewerbeaufschtsamt" or Bezirksregierung" in order to be allowed to work with such material. The DSMZ collection of human and animal cell linesholds only cell lines designated at, or below, risk group 2. The vast majority of the DSMZ cell lines belong to risk1 level. The following cell lines were assigned to risk group 2 by the "Zentralkommittee fur Biologische icherheit" (ZKBS) and/or the "Beufsgenossenschaft der chemischen Industrie (Merkblatt B004, 4/98)": B95-8, DAUDI, EB-1, HEP-3B. Our investigations on virus contamination in cell lines are intended to increase the awareness of biological safety, but do not alloww us to assign cell lines to specific risk groups as we cannot determine whether the viruses are produced and infectiously secreted. It is the responsibility of each scientist to familiarize himself or herself with the national regulations currently in place. Importation of human cell lines within France: Authorisation to import and export tissues and cells from human body for scientific purposes must be given by "Ministère du travail et des affaires sociales" before importing human cell lines. Ministère du travail et des affaires sociales Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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