Appendix REFERENCE NO: AHC/1998/1/3 Appendix 1.1 TITLE: AGREEMENT FORM - DSMZ German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures Conditions of Delivery Dept. of Human and Animal Cell Cultures
Cell lines are distributed to qualified investigators for use in their own research. Before shipment, the investigator is asked to sign an agreement stating that:
These conditions of delivery apply to the supply of cultures from the DSMZ, unless other written agreements have been entered into between the DSMZ and the customer. The DSMZ supplies viable and authentic cultures. Problems such as damaged vials, contaminated or non viable cultures should be reported immediately to the DSMZ. Should claims found to be justified, a replacement culture will be supplied whenever possible. Should this not be possible, the purchase price will be refunded. No further claims can be accepted by the DSMZ. The DSMZ is not responsible for damage or injury which may arise resulting from the purchase and use of the cultures supplied. In particular, the DSMZ is not responsible for damage or injury resulting from the improper handling of the cultures. Furthermore, the DSMZ is not responsible for damage or injury caused by products resulting directly or indirectly from the cultures, or for any subsequent costs arising. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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