LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL VIRUSES REFERENCE NO.: PVC/1998/1.04 TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO SAFETY REGULATIONS There is no potential hazard to human health inherent to plant viruses. Handling of virus materials, under consideration of the rules of general hygiene, does not present any other threat than as is with general greenhouse and laboratory work. Safety precautions and procedures with reference to plant virus work follow the safety regulations as in PVC/1998/1.04 Appendix 1, PVC/1998/1.04 Appendix 2, PVC/1998/1.04 Appendix 3.Plant virus collection work is regulated in Germany by the "Gesetz zum Schutz der Kulturpflanzen" (Pflanzenschutzgesetz) also listing quarantine organisms. When quarantine organisms are to be maintained in the greenhouse, all residues, infected plants, soils and other wastes generated are collected in autoclavable bags labelled BIO HAZARD within the greenhouse area. All wastes generated by working with plant viruses that are subject to quarantine regulations are autoclaved prior to disposal. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 3 Feb. 1998
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