LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL LINES REFERENCE NO.: PC/1998/2/3.3 TITLE: PRELIMINARY QUALITY CONTROL: TEST FOR BACTERIAL CONTAMINANTS To proof for sterility in addition to macroscopic or microscopic isolation of bacteria provide unequivocal on test agar plates is attempted. Control medium and incubation conditions have been selected to allow growth of a broad range of bacteria. PROCEDURE 1. Bacterial test agar is prepared according to a laboratory procedure (PC/1998/2/3.3 Appendix 1) 2. Immediately after arrival a control plate is inoculated with a small sample of the plant cell culture. In case of a callus culture a small amount of both cells and agar is suspended (forceps) in 2 ml of physiological saline. The suspension is poured onto the control agar and spread. In case of a suspension culture a small aliquot is transferred (pipette with cut tip) onto the control agar and spread. 3. The inoculated petri-dishes sealed with parafilm are incubated for one week at 30 °C. 4. Afterwards the control plates are inspected for the occurrence of bacterial colonies. 5. If bacterial growth is detected the depositor is informed and the culture is discarded (Standard Letter PC/1998/2/3 Appendix 1). Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
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