LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR MICROORGANISMS Appendix M/1998/3.00 Appendix 5.01.3 PROTOCOL FORM: POSITION OF CULTURES IN LIQUID NITROGEN The inventory system of liquid nitrogen containers is based on numbered canisters and canes. The position of a strain in the system is recorded by the container number, the canister number, the cane number and the cane position (1-x from top). The capillary tube or straw holder may be labelled with ink. Straws may be marked also by ink, whereas capillaries may identified by placing it in coloured PCV straws. In order to make sure that the frozen culture can be found after years of preservation a list with the title CONTROL FORM: POSITION OF CULTURES IN LIQUID NITROGEN is available. A single page of the control form is shown on page 2 of this document. The control forms are available in the LN2 storage room.
LN container no. ......... Canister no. ......... Cane no. .........
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, CBS and BCCM, 17 May 1998
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