CABRI Guidelines for Catalogue Production
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by BCCM, CBS, CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, HGMP, INRC, MSDN
Full Data Set for plasmids Here are described all the fields BCCM/LMBP, NCCB & DSMZ use.
Set Field
* Remarks on propagation and/or on properties and/or on history, other name(s), etc...
For MDS fields: implement the recommended data input process procedures.
For FDS fields: recommended data input process procedures do not exist. Use of capital letters: capital are only used where syntactically required, which may be at the beginning of a field. |
This work cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the CABRI consortium. Site maintained by Paolo Romano. Last revised: February 2023. |