LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR ANIMAL & HUMAN CELL LINES Appendix REFERENCE NO: AHC/1998/4/2.2.1 Appendix 1 TITLE: DISCLAIMER - DSMZ - Those who receive DSMZ cultures are responsible for their safe storage, handling and use. DSMZ is not liable for damages or injuries resulting and/or use of a DSMZ culture. While every effort is made to ensure authenticity and reliability of cell lines in the collection, DSMZ is not liable for damages arising from the misidentification or misrepresentation of cultures. All recipients of culture material must comply with all applicable biological, chemical, and/or radiochemical safety standards including special practices, equipment, facilities, and regulations. The culture material is not for use in humans. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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