LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR ANIMAL & HUMAN CELL LINES Appendix REFERENCE NO: AHC/1998/1/3 Appendix 3 TITLE: SAFETY INFORMATION FOR HANDLING CELL LINES INTRODUCTION When sending a cell line to customer, safety information for handling the cell line is given. The safety data sheet contains information depending on the class of containment of the cell lines SAFETY DATA SHEET Important safety information for handling cell lines (example) Cell line <....> Cell culture hazard Cell line of non human / primate origin. There is no evidence for the presence of infectious viruses or toxic products. The Resource Centre recommends anyway that the culture is handled at Category 2 containment. or Cell line of human / primate origin. There is no evidence for the presence of infectious viruses or toxic products. The Resource Centre recommends anyway that the culture is handled at Category 2 containment. or Cell line of human / primate origin. There is suspect / evidence for the presence of infectious viruses and / or toxic products. The cell line can be dangerous for humans. The Resource Centre recommends that the culture is handled at Category 2 containment. Frozen ampoules 2 ml plastic cryotubes containing cells and Foetal Calf Serum including 10% (v/v) dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) which is toxic and readily penetrates the skin. The ampoules are packed in solid carbon dioxide pellets which will cause frost-bite on contact with skin. On very rare occasions residual liquid nitrogen may be present in ampoules. On warming, these ampoules may present an explosive hazard. Growing cultures Cultures are despatched in 25 cm sq. tissue culture flasks filled with culture medium, sealed with tape and placed in a close plastic wrapper. The flasks are surrounded with sufficient material to absorb the entire contents of the flask in case of accident. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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