REFERENCE NO: AHC/1998/1/1.1 TITLE: ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF CULTURE COLLECTIONS CULTURE COLLECTIONS A growing awareness of the importance of biodiversity and the hidden genetic potential has resulted in both an increased recognition of the value of collections of human and animal cell lines and an increase in the number of such collections. However, not all parent organisations are fully aware of the responsibilities inherent in maintaining a public service to appropriate standards. A culture collection is a long-term commitment, as explained in the WFCC guidelines (1st and 2nd edition, Hawksworth et al. 1990, 1999): "It is important to consider the level of funding, both now, and likely to be forthcoming on an on-going basis. This must be adequate to provide the range of services being planned, and at a standard users would expect. If secure resources are limited, in general it is preferable to restrict the primary objectives of the collection to those which have a strong probability of maintaining in the long-term. Collections require a clearly summarised general statement of their long-term objectives relating to the scope of their holdings, and to the range of outside services that are envisaged". Culture collections are labour-intensive: accession, preservation and maintenance as well as the constant necessity to check the viability and authenticity of the biological material place a heavy burden on the shoulders of both technical and scientific staff and require specific skills and knowledge. Culture collections should have a well-defined accession policy, including the type and quantity of biological material they want to access as well as the criteria to which this material has to comply. It is advisable to avoid duplication of biological material already present in other service culture collections, but focus on new collections, thus enlarging the public access to genetic resources. Research programs should be a part of the collection's or its host laboratory's activities. This is essential to keep the collection's staff up to date of new developments, but also improves the quality of the collection. Staff should be well-trained and the knowledge and skill has to be maintained. PRESERVATION AND STORAGE To minimise the chances on genetic changes, it recommended to maintain the biological material by cryopreservation. Research for both isolation and preservation techniques is highly needed. Also development of screening procedures for particular organisms, of preservation protocols for biological material difficult to preserve by routine procedures, and of optimal cultivation media and conditions for growth are tasks of a well-run culture collection. In order to minimise the risks to important genetic resources from fire, flooding, earthquakes, war or catastrophes, collections should arrange to have duplicates of at least the most important and irreplaceable resources and their associated documentation securely housed in a different building or ideally at a separate site. DOCUMENTATION, CATALOGUES AND ON-LINE INFORMATION For each resource records have to be kept. These not only include data like species, origin, morphology, receptors, name of the person who originated the cell line, depositor, etc., but also preservation methods applied, cultivation conditions, security and quality codes, characteristics and restrictions. For optimal availability, records should be computerised and made available on-line, following the CABRI Guidelines for Catalogue Production. From the computerised database, catalogues of the resources available for distribution could be printed. Several of the collection's staff should be familiar with the operation of the database system in order to provide cover during periods of absence. For security reasons, duplicate computer files or hardcopies should be kept separately. RESOURCE AUTHENTICATION Resources ordered from culture collections are expected to be authentic. The collection should take care to ensure the biological material remains conform to the original deposit by carrying out appropriate tests on a regular basis and according to the state of the art. In addition, it must be the scope of each collection to confirm the identity of each cell line to be accepted. RESOURCE SUPPLY AND OTHER SERVICES The resources offered in the collections' catalogues should be distributed to individuals operating in a professional environment, subject to the restrictions indicated and to any import, quarantine or containment regulations that might apply as well as to normal credit control procedures where charges are required to be made. The collections should provide their customers with all necessary information on the ordering procedure. This information should also be enclosed in the catalogue. Collections should also maintain a detailed customer database recording the name and address of the customer, the kind of resource sent (e.g. name and accession number), method and date of shipment. International pertinent postal regulations regarding packaging and labelling of biological material need to be followed. Next to resource supply, culture collections may provide a variety of other services to the scientific and industrial community, e.g.: identification of micro-organisms, public deposit, safe deposit, patent deposit, contract research, consultancy, training courses. References
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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